I’ve been teaching art and design since 1995. I enjoy helping people to develop their drawing and painting skill. You may request the current schedule of workshops by going to my Contact page and sending me a message. Be sure to provide the title of the workshop you are interested in attending in the subject of the message. Payment of a course deposit will secure you a spot in the workshop. Workshops are normally limited to just 10 participants so as to provide a maximum of instructor attention for each student. Minimum registration for a workshop to run is 6 students, so invite some friends! Deposits will only be refunded to participants if the class registered for fails to run due to low enrollment, or due to cancellation by instructor. Further information, a class materials list, and directions to the workshop location will be sent to you via email upon receipt of the deposit.
Click Here to Sign up for the July 29-30, 2023 Perspective Drawing Workshop
This workshop is split into two days. You may sign up for either day or both. Day one covers the basics, eye level, vanishing points and cone of vision limit, with practice drawings made in class. Day two provides more advanced instruction in how to draw using 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective from direct observation in the field. Included in this day’s class is a very practical viewfinder for selecting just the composition you want when drawing in the field.
Saturday’s Class: Introduction to the theory and practice of linear perspective drawing. Eye level, vanishing point systems, position of view, picture plane, cone of vision, will all be discussed, demonstrated and practiced.
Sunday’s Class: Light and shadows in perspective, setting up drawings in 1 point, 2 point and 3 point perspective from direct observation. Pencil, pen and ink, and markers used to produce drawings from direct observation. Studio work and drawing outdoors weather permitting.
Schedule: 10 AM to 4 PM, both days. (5 hours of instruction each day with a 45 minute lunch break, and two short breaks included.)
Workshop cost: Single day day fee, either Saturday or Sunday = $80. Sign up for both days = $150
What my Perspective Drawing students have to say about the workshop:
“The information you taught was great because it covered the basics at first and then you helped us forward into more advanced ideas (which is the mark of a great teacher). Because you begin with everyone where they currently are, and then take them as far as you can, everyone’s learned.” - Jeanette
“You’re a great teacher. You have an ability to connect with people where ever they are and your enthusiasm is contagious. I’ve struggled with perspective and I was excited over the little water tower sketch. I’m going to take your advice and draw every day for a little while.” -Karen
“The environment we were in—your studio and the land surrounding was a really nice setting for the class and such a cool surprise! The way you structured the class made the information easy to understand as you flowed from one to two point perspective and I really enjoyed the history portion and video—for me, knowing how perspective drawing came about, helps with recognizing the method being applied in the work and makes it possible to understand and learn when viewing other’s drawings.” -Kamaren
“You are a very well organized and engaging teacher. I came away with a broader understanding of the principles of linear perspective and the tools to put it better to use in my own work.” - Tim
Introduction to Landscape Painting
Introduction to Landscape Painting with Oils
This two and one half-day workshop will help both the beginner and intermediate oil painter alike feel more comfortable and achieve better results when working outdoors or en plein air. Site selection, equipment, view framing, value contrast, shadow shapes and form, composition, perspective, focal points and color mixing and application will be discussed and demonstrated. A short presentation and then some color mixing on the first evening will be followed by some studio work on Saturday, followed by working outside as weather permits on both weekend days.
7PM to 10PM on Friday evening, 10 AM to 4 PM, Saturday and Sunday.
Workshop cost = $225 ($100 deposit holds your place.)
Creating an Illustrated Field Journal
Creating an Illustrated Field Journal
I love being outdoors. And when I can combine my love of drawing with being outside that is a very good day. During this two-day workshop, I cover the practical basics of drawing on location, and keeping an illustrated field journal. Two days of instruction will include examples, observational drawing and demonstrations. I’ll provide you with some effective tools and techniques that will help you to improve your drawing and create a field journal filled with your own direct from life illustrations.
10 AM to 4 PM, both days.
Workshop cost = $225 ($100 deposit holds your place.)
What my students have to say about the Nature Up Close Workshop:
"I adored your class. Thank you for your ideas and insight into field journaling!" Nicole.
"Thank you so much for the handouts, and the class. I loved the class!" Shirley.